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  • Inoculating loops for microbiology, 1µl, 10µl

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Inoculating loops for microbiology, 1µl, 10µl

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

상품코드 17370771197948
제조사 Biosharp
판매사 (주)코리아사이언스
배송비결제 구매금액이 100,000원 이하인 경우 배송비 3,500원이 자동 결제됩니다.


[BS-QT-035-N] Inoculating loops for microbiology, 1ul, white  + 38,500원
[BS-QT-036-N] Inoculating loops for microbiology, 10ul, dark blue  + 38,500원


등록된 관련상품이 없습니다.

상품 정보


1ul, 10ul sampling stick/inoculation loop, HIPS material


Disposable plastic inoculation loop, used for sample collection and inoculation by streaking or puncture method:

Products with quadrilateral striped shafts are suitable for picking single colonies and puncture inoculation.

Products with hexagonal shafts with notches are suitable for sampling and plate streaking inoculation .

Quantitative products are used for quantitative detection tests, such as sampling, gradient dilution, urine bacteria count, and bacterial inoculation.

Usage Guide:

Streak method: use an inoculation loop to pick up bacteria-containing materials and streak them on the surface of the solid culture medium;

dot method: use an inoculation loop to touch the surface of the solid culture medium at several points;

pouring method: take a small amount of bacteria-containing material and put it into a sterile culture dish, pour in the melted agar culture medium at about 48°C, shake well and cool;

puncture method: use an inoculation loop to pick up microorganisms and puncture them into the semi-solid culture medium for deep culture;

immersion method: use an inoculation loop to pick up bacteria-containing materials and rinse them in liquid culture medium.


It is recommended that users take personal protective measures;

it is for single use and should be disposed of in accordance with relevant regulations after use.
