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  • Vacuum filtration system, 150ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1000ml, 0.22um PES membrane

상품간략정보 및 구매기능

Vacuum filtration system, 150ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1000ml, 0.22um PES membrane

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

상품코드 17370771197272
제조사 Biosharp
판매사 (주)코리아사이언스
배송비결제 구매금액이 100,000원 이하인 경우 배송비 3,500원이 자동 결제됩니다.


[BS-150-XT] Vacuum filtration system, 150ml, 0.22um PES membrane  + 92,400원
[BS-250-XT] Vacuum filtration system, 250ml, 0.22um PES membrane  + 101,200원
[BS-500-XT] Vacuum filtration system, 500ml, 0.22um PES membrane  + 119,900원
[BS-1000-XT] Vacuum filtration system, 1000ml, 0.22um PES membrane  + 163,900원


등록된 관련상품이 없습니다.

상품 정보


150ml, 250ml,  500ml, 1000ml vacuum filtration system

- PS shell and PES membrane provide faster flow rate and lower protein binding

- Pyrogen-free, endotoxin-free, DNase/RNase-free

- Sterile individual packaging

- The lid can be twisted, and there are four snap points on the edge of the lid to fix the cup body

- The cup has clear scales, and the spiral outlet has strong sealing and does not leak

- Used for filtration and sterilization of cell culture fluids, serum, additives and buffers, etc.

1 piece/pack, 12 packs/box
