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  • Standard Quartz Cells with Lids and Round Corner

상품간략정보 및 구매기능

Standard Quartz Cells with Lids and Round Corner

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

상품코드 1472878447
제조사 JM Science
판매사 (주)코리아사이언스
브랜드 -
배송비결제 구매금액이 100,000원 이하인 경우 배송비 3,500원이 자동 결제됩니다.


[JM.CQ001] Standard Quartz Cells with Lids and Round Corner, H45×W12.5×L12.5mm / 3.5ml  + 57,500원
[JM.CQ021] Standard Quartz Cells with Lids and Round Corner, H45×W12.5×L3.5mm / 0.35ml [별도문의]  + 0원
[JM.CQ022] Standard Quartz Cells with Lids and Round Corner, H45×W12.5×L4.5mm / 0.70ml [별도문의]  + 0원
[JM.CQ023] Standard Quartz Cells with Lids and Round Corner, H45×W12.5×L7.5mm / 1.70ml [별도문의]  + 0원
[JM.CQ024] Standard Quartz Cells with Lids and Round Corner, H45×W12.5×L22.5mm / 7.00ml [별도문의]  + 0원
[JM.CQ025] Standard Quartz Cells with Lids and Round Corner, H45×W12.5×L32.5mm / 10.50ml [별도문의]  + 0원
[JM.CQ026] Standard Quartz Cells with Lids and Round Corner, H45×W12.5×L42.5mm / 14.00ml [별도문의]  + 0원
[JM.CQ027] Standard Quartz Cells with Lids and Round Corner, H45×W12.5×L52.0mm / 17.50ml [별도문의]  + 0원
[JM.CQ028] Standard Quartz Cells with Lids and Round Corner, H45×W12.5×L102.5mm / 35.50ml  + 0원


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Standard Quartz Cells with Lids and Round Corner




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